Tag Archives: positive thinking

About Keeping Well & A Full Moon Card for You..

Well I just noticed that it has been eons since I last posted a blog. Apologies! How is your health? Have you been keeping well? Have you been taking care of yourself ? It’s so important to watch our good … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Health Is Wealth, Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ten ideas to survive social distancing, lockdown & isolation

Here we are in lockdown,social distanced,and/or self isolated… what are we going to do with ourselves so we don’t go crazy with anxiety or with boredom, here are… Ten ideas to survive social distancing/ self isolation/an overabundance of me time! … Continue reading

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Happy Thoughts – 3 Ways to Rise Above Negative Emotions

Kahlil Gibran said “The appearance of things change according to the emotions, that’s we see magic and beauty in them, the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.” What do you think he meant by that? Does he mean the … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, lifestyle, Motivational, Nuggets of Positivity, Uncategorized, wisdom bits, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts – Thoughts Are Things

Today we’ve got a ‘Wisdom Bit’ or mini blog. The idea came to me as I was designing and colouring this Mandala (using an app on my phone). 🌸🌸🌸 Thoughts are things. Every thought is important because it brings more … Continue reading

Posted in Inspirational, Meditation, Motivational, Nuggets of Positivity, Positive Affirmations, Uncategorized, wisdom bits, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts – An A-Z of Positive Thinking 

This is a two-part blog. Today we’ll discuss A through M, and we’ll cover N through Z in the next blog post.   A- attitude Our attitude determines our aptitude, how how high we can go . If we have … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, Motivational, Nuggets of Positivity, Positive Affirmations, Uncategorized, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Happy Thoughts-Oracle Card for the Day

Here is today’s card for you selected with love & the aid of my Chakra pendant. Go the Distance…endurance, strength, the long haul. Be brave, be wise, hang in there! It may take some time, but you can do it. … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts-Wisdom Bits!

Just a tiny happy thought for today for us. I came across this nugget in my reading this morning. We are all entrepreneurs, whether we work for ourselves, or someone else. I am in charge of me! You are in … Continue reading

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Happy Thoughts – Oracle Card of the Day

Here’s a Spirit Animal card for us today! Let’s train ourselves to worry & fret a bit less…and play a bit more! Be careful of thinking & doing too much, so that you become disconnected from your feelings. The best … Continue reading

Posted in Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings, Positive Affirmations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Happy Thoughts – Individuality and Greatness

Greetings! We’ve got a bit of a stream of consciousness-type blog today.   Today let’s think about being comfortable with ourselves. We don’t have to envy others. As we are is good enough. We can improve ourselves of course &  … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, Motivational, Uncategorized, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts-Be Curious, You’ll Enjoy Life More!

Today, let’s talk about curiosity. It can be a very good thing! It can keep us alive, fresh, motivated and full of purpose. Albert Einstein said,   “Do not grow no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand … Continue reading

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