Tag Archives: new age

Happy Thoughts – A visit to Glastonbury’s Chalice Well

It’s nice to end the year in a positive space. In this case that meant a visit to (England’s) Glastonbury and Chalice Well and Gardens. It’s said that the Well is among the best known and most loved holy wells … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Fun, Seasonal, lifestyle, Photography/Days Out, Photos/Days Out, travel, Uncategorized, Updates | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Happy Thoughts – Looking After #1!

Today let’s talk about looking after number one. Some people think that’s a bad thing.  That it means we are self centred .. selfish ..don’t care about anyone else.   But actually that’s not true.  Looking after number one – … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, Motivational, Positive Affirmations, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts – Share the Misery – NOT!

  Today let’s talk about Misery. Or rather let’s talk about getting out of the miserable vibe that may have us in its boney clasp, and move into a more positive space. We may all have a dark side, but … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Inspirational, Motivational, Positive Affirmations, Uncategorized, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts – Winners & Losers

Hello hello… We’re going to talk about winners and losers. This is going to be really easy. There are no losers. We may have set backs. We may have a disappointment. But we are not losers. Wayne Dyer says in … Continue reading

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Happy Thoughts – Oracle Card Reading – All systems are go!

As today is International Happiness Day, I asked the universe to help us,  give us some guidance for a successful happy week. I asked “What is the thing that we should focus on this week”, and “How should we do … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Crystals, Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings, Uncategorized, Videos, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts-Oracle Cards 4 the week – Vivid

via Daily Prompt: Vivid It’s time for some oracle cards to give us a little food for thought for this week! Following the daily prompt – vivid, I was guided to ask: How can we we make this week vivid, … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance, Blog challenge, Crystals, Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts – Love

Hello! Today we talk about the wonderful energy and positive vibes that come from loving life and the good things around us. It helps to keep our spirits high! Peace and blessings to you. Add your comments to the blog, … Continue reading

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Happy Thoughts-Order

Hello 🙂 How do you keep order in your busy days? More importantly, how do you keep order in your mind? How do you keep your spiritual energy balanced? We’ve got an Angel card reading today that might give you … Continue reading

Posted in Inspirational, Motivational, Oracle/Colour/Angel card readings, Positive Affirmations, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts-New Year’s Resolutions vs. Goals

Have you made your new year resolutions yet? I prefer to make goals instead. Let’s make them specific, let’s use key words, let’s accomplish our dreams in 2015!                    Glastonbury Tor Add your comments to the blog, or tweet us … Continue reading

Posted in Inspirational, Motivational, Positive Affirmations, Spiritual, Work and Career | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Thoughts-Pass It On

Have we recently received some good energy from another person such as encouragement, a kind word or a smile? We are blessed! Let’s pass a bit of that good energy onto to someone else. Add your comments to the blog, … Continue reading

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